January 14, 2011 in writing

the photo blog is easy and fun! what a great way to keep track, my only motivation is to be able to look back at the end of the year and see how far we've come. quinn is upstairs watching a movie (for the second time) and henry is bee-bopping around the family room squawking at me when he realizes i've stopped paying attention. fridays are my most favourite and most dreaded days. having the 2 kids at home with me can be the best time or the worst time. it really is a crap shoot. today was an ok day. quinn got up on the wrong side of the bed (and when i told her this she said: "NO I DIDN'T I WOKE UP IN THE SAME SPOT I ALWAYS DO JEEZ, I'M JUST CRANKY OK?"). but it seemed to right itself by the end of her swimming lesson. henry had a bit of a rough afternoon, teething is a joy. tonight we have manny coming for homemade pizza night and then adam and i are going on a double date with shelley and manny to get our butts handed to us at bowling. should be a decent time.

in other news, adam got a great bonus from work and we are reno'ing the living/dining rooms! yay!


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