were you invited?

i am shocked and appalled that someone would invite themselves to something. we are having a bbq tomorrow for a few of the woods cousins, tasha, candace, nicki and us and malcolm and anne. basically a repeat of last year's event that candace hosted (although i was reminded that malcolm wasn't there last year). and basically marjorie and ivy have sniffed out the details and decided they are coming. so strange. i can't imagine showing up somewhere i wasn't specifically invited to. i can't imagine why i'm hosting an event where this is a risk. i knew getting involved with this family was going to be a little strange but this is just uber odd. there is a strong possibility several uninvited people will show up tomorrow...

in other news, quinn and her dad had a lovely time at greg's cottage and henry and i snuggled our way through the loneliness of missing them with a few glasses of red with mom and her friend angie and a delicious meal. this morning shelley, hen and i trekked up to see grandma and met shelby-rose for the first time. and then tonight we headed over to deb's for dinner and playdate. all in all a very busy couple of days. glad that after tomorrows bbq/fiasco there isn't any hosting/running on the schedule for a couple days.


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