No Vacancy

last night was date night, basically dinner before picking AJ up from the airport. i ate something weird and barfed projectile next to a tree in the parking lot...never a dull moment with me around these days.

the time of year is upon us where AJ has come home for the summer. as much as i'm overjoyed to have extra hands and my sisterfriend to chat with i'm also feeling a bit overwhelmed by the busy-ness of our house, and also the mess. i feel like i pick up all day long and want to cry when i have to think about where to put all the stuff. i spend my days off with the kids plunking them in front of the tv so i can clean. not what i had imagined in my head when saying i wanted to be home more. i could let the mess pile up. i could not care and wait until someone else would do it (let me take this opportunity to say that A is amazing and does a lot around here) but it makes me crazy to see stuff everywhere and i can't relax when it's like a bomb went off. the only way out is to train my kids to be neat freaks like me and then i'll have extra hands to speed up the process.

on another note we are off to st. lawrence market with duck sandwiches on the menu again and then to high park zoo if the rain holds. AJ is going to come along, extra hands and help with the Q is such a welcome addition...maybe the cleaning up isn't so bad.


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