Letting It All Go

today stunk. it was a true stinker. i won't bore you with the details but let's just say work started out well (3 cheques in the mail and 0 bills, for once in my life) and then took a steep decline until i walked out the door at 1pm (a half hour later than planned, just ask my boobs). so as i sit in my family room with a stress headache and a deepening frown line in the middle of my forehead holding my infant son, i have to ask myself, how do i let it all go and just enjoy today and my kids and the beautiful weather?

it's a good question, one i've asked myself a thousand times and i found the answer in people magazine (yes i love drivel). as i read about a mother who drowned her 2 kids, a baseball players 4 kids who have everything from asperger's to anorexia and the ongoing stupidity that is miley cyrus, i realized that life isn't really about covering up the bad stuff and putting on a brave face, it's about getting through it and finding worthwhile things in each moment, good or bad. so while i struggle to find the good in what happened at work this morning i know that it won't feel so shitty for long and that a week from now, a month from now, 5 years from now, today won't seem so bad because a) i won't remember it and b) it wasn't life altering bad. that said, where is that glass of red?


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